Hey that would be me.. the title!
So the lack of posts has been done to my retreat into hiding, Saturday night (last) didn't turn out to plan, mainly because said new Internet friend spotted me but was to shy to say hi and well I was too drunk to see! Class act! However every day since I have spoken to him (about time to give him a name..Hmmm) Mr Darkside! . Well me and Mr Darkside have been chatting every evening or exchanging the odd text.. its been cute. The plan is to meet him on Sunday. Its a bank holiday weekend so Mr Notsonaughty is at home but I have a cover story.. I am still concerned about being finding out. I am aware I am a moral fuckup and deep down I beleive in happy endings, but I am defintley on a path of self destruction at present.
Mr Notsonaughty has become suspicious and has been checking my phone and I forget to delete a message .. after last time I cant believe I am so dumb.. Fucking fuck wit me.. I do wonder if I do it on purpose to be found out and then a conversation where we break up. Ever feel like its time to press self destruct.
Also this week I met Slick Nic, only for a coffee. So not worth the time! What a waste of 30 minutes, the feeling was defintley mutual as I have heard nothing since. All I am saying is "40 my arse" he was definitely older and discussing his kids was a definite turn off. Don't get me wrong its not that I anti children but its hardly a turn on.