Mr Muscles cold feet!

"Buy some socks"
You should always trust your instincts! My initial reservation was that Mr Muscles didn’t really know what he wants. However last week tentatively arranged that we go for a drink .  He practically leaped at the chance, although I sensed he was overwhelmed with nerves. It was suggested that this would be tomorrow ( Thursday). So  I thought I would check in with him, and guess what I received a polite yet short email, " Hi, I am really sorry I cant do it, I got cold feet" . I thought about emailing back a suggestion on some fab woolly socks he could get! But you know what I ain't going to go force it, my instinct was right first time.

You know what I am more annoyed about, I had already started to plan an outfit out in my head... for those women readers you will know that sometimes this is more exciting that the date. Mmm so what to do I have told Mr Notsonaughty I have a evening client meeting on Thursday night, it would be a shame to waste this free slot! ...

On to the next!

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