I am going out tonight

So I recently (like since Sunday) have been chatting to someone on line who seems seriously lovely. We have spoken every night through Tue -Thursday and briefly this afternoon. Partly the reason for the lack of posts. We live in the same sort of area and go to the same sort of places, anyway we have both engineered to be in the same bar this evening, his girl wont be with him, and as I write this Mr Notsonaughty has declined to come out this evening. I am out with my sister and best mate, (who is bringing her fella and his mate - both friends of Mr Notsonaughty).

I have warned my new Internet friend that discretion is key and I can happily say hi etc, but with the body guards in tow got to be careful. Also of course there is the possibility that I wont fancy him in the flesh and vice versa, so being in a group situation is of a comfort.

But I know me, better than I would like to sometime and I am going have to keep my slutty alter ego under lock and key.

Ever get the feeling things are about to go seriously fucking tits up!

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