Miss Naughty does have feelings...(darn it)

Clearly this isn't Adam but you get the idea

Ugh I was perusing MA (the current dating website of choice) and which one of my favourites shows up as online too.. Adam. Eeeck the last I heard (yes i did read the email) was that his PC was broken and he couldn't get on line ..blah blah.   I suppose despite committing Internet suicide and disappearing I was in some strange way upset that he hadn't tracked me down.  Not that he would have been able to in all honesty.

I don't know what I want, but I did/do like Adam and I think a fuck buddy arrangement could work out really well. So I now I am flicking between websites to see if he contacts me. I could contact him first couldn't I? Scrap that foolish thought...

Oh and top it all off Mr C recent diary entry says " I am taking myself off the market as I have met someone from the site".. Oh christ my heart/lust is breaking.  (So much for my rules ...I have got hurt)

All this and  a hangover not the best combo on a Sunday morning. It may be time to open up the chocolate biscuits and sink under the duvet.  Could my day get any worst?

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