Theft of Apocalyptica and all that Jizz

Every now and then you end up chatting to someone on line, who gets you. Who really gets you  lets be honest to get my warped sense of humour and to follow my wandering trail of thought is definitely award winning.

Well that's what I think so far of this fella. Its probably the only time with my on and off dalliance with the Internet that I have thought "shit if only circumstances were different". I would just throw my stuff in the car and go met him, and stick two fingers up at everything, however Age has brought about responsibility and a sense of obligation... which puts impulses on hold.

I think we will call him Mr C, if he ever gets to see this blog ( if I tell him about it) he will know its him..the title is your credit OK. So i do hope Mr C can feature in other blogs...


Anonymous said...

Oooh, this sounds exciting! I'm eager to hear more...

Miss Naughty said...

Ahh thank you ... fingers crossed